Also in September 2021, we were visited by the Deputy Operational Commander of the Polish Armed Forces, Generał Dywizji Pilot (Air Vice Marshal) Dariusz Malinowski, accompanied by some of his staff including Colonel Mirosław Polakow and Warrant Officer Tomasz Zarzycki, the Defence Attaché Colonel Mieczysław Malec and other members from of the Military Attaché at the Polish Embassy also accompanied the General.
He was shown around by the Institute’s Vice Chairman, Krzysztof de Berg. He found his visit fascinating, especially when shown the 303 squadron chronicle and Ferec’s diaries, which had been prepared by the Deputy Keeper of Archives Jadwiga Kowalska. The General mentioned were his childhood dreams to see these original documents. He enjoyed his stay so much that his staff had to use all their tact and diplomacy to eventually persuade him that he really had to go as he was substantially overrunning his schedule. The General was very complementary about the Institute and said that he hopes to visit us again soon. He presented the Institute with a commemorative plaque of the Polish Armed Forces.