Online Document Catalogue

Online Document Catalogue – Structure


The archive is comprised of a number of individual archival collections of documents. Each of which is made up of various numbers of records (files). In turn, these hold varying numbers of individual documents. All of the above are entered into a catalogue using an alpha-numeric  system of Document Reference Numbers, for example:

C = Unit Chronicles
C.56/I = Chronicle of VI Troop (Polish) Commando/2 Motorised Commando Battalion, 23.09.1942 – 01.06.1947
KOL = Papers of individuals and exiled organisations
KOL.1 = Gen. Władysław Sikorski Papers (1939-1949)
R = Polish Armed Forces unit daily orders
R.11 = Daily Orders Armoured Train “E” (No 4), 10.12.1940 – 30.08.1943

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