
Full Members & Trustees


The Institute is governed by up to 80 Full Members, who have voting rights. They elect Trustee Directors, with a Chairman at their head, who are responsible for the everyday running of the Institute.


Life and Annual Membership

Life and annual membership is open to everyone. Life and annual members can apply to the Trustee Directors for Full Membership which is normally considered on the basis of participation and commitment to the Institute.


The following have held the role of Chairman:

Prof. Dr Stanislaw Stroński (1945 – 1951)
Lt Gen. Prof. Dr Marian Kukiel (1951 – 1965)
Count Edward Raczyński (1965 – 1976)
Stanisław Leśniowski (1977 – 1979)
Capt. Ryszard Dembiński (1979 – 2003)
Mr Krzysztof Barbarski (2003 – 2022)

Mr Krzysztof de Berg (2022 – 2023)

Mrs Danuta Bildziuk (2023 –        )




Current Trustee Directors

The current Trustee Directors are:

Mrs Danuta Bildziuk– Chairman

Mr Krzysztof Nowakowski – Deputy / Vice Chairman

Ms Tatiana Kaczmarska

Mrs Barbara Gabriel – Honorary Treasurer

Mr Antoni Gudiens

Mr Jan Korwin-Szymanowski

Mr Wojciech Nosalik

Mr Ludomir Lasocki



Support Us

The Polish Institute and Sikorski Museum is a registered charity (no. 312168) and other than funds that we generate through our activities, we are totally reliant on membership, donations and legacies to enable us to carry on with our work.