80th anniversary of the Battle of Monte Cassino
To commemorate the eightieth anniversary of the Battle of Monte Cassino in 1944, the Polish Institute and Sikorski Museum held a reception at the Museum on 22 April 2024. Distinguished guests included the Earl of St. Andrews, who has become the Patron of the Polish Institute and Sikorski Museum, Her Excellency Anna Maria Anders, the Ambassador of the Republic of Poland to Italy, His Excellency Professor Piotr Wilczek, the Ambassador of the Republic of Poland to the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and The Right Worshipful Lord Mayor of Westminster, Councillor Patricia McAllister.

Professor Piotr Wiczek, the Polish Ambassador, making a speech on the historical role of the 2nd Polish Corps in the Battle for Monte Cassino. On the right of the Ambassador, Her Worship Patricia McAlister the Lord Mayor of Westminster. To the right of her The Earl of St. Andrews with the Chairman of the Institute Mrs. Danuta Bildziuk beside him. On the far left is Ambassador Anna Maria Anders.
Ambassador RP Anna Maria Anders reminiscing about her father, General Anders, and how his memory is honoured in Italy

The Earl of St. Andrews, who has become the Patron of the Polish Institute and Sikorski Museum, talks about the work of the Institute and its importance in keeping alive the memory of the Polish armed forces’ contribution in World War Two