Support Us

We rely on your help

The Polish Institute and Sikorski Museum is a registered charity (charity number 312168).  Other than funds that we generate through our activities, we rely wholly on membership subscriptions, donations and legacies to enable us to continue our work. There are a number of ways in which you can support us.


If you wish to become a supporting member, the annual subscription is £10, or you could choose Life Membership for a single payment of £100. Please follow the Donate LINK, noting the class of membership. If you are a UK taxpayer please complete the gift aid form LINK. If you prefer, you can print and post the completed forms, with a cheque, to the Institute.


If you wish to donate, please follow the Donate LINK. If you are a UK taxpayer please complete the gift aid form LINK. If you prefer, you can print and post the completed forms with a cheque to the Institute. We are always grateful to receive any donations.

Leave a legacy

Remembering PISM in your will, will help to ensure that knowledge about Poland’s place in history generally and her contribution during World War Two in particular, is promulgated widely and will be accessible for future generations. You could leave a legacy for our general funds, (which we prefer, for the flexibility this provides) or, if you prefer, specifically for any department or project.


At PISM, we rely on volunteers and are extremely proud to have had so many join us over the years. Volunteers are central to our future and to the work we do. Our volunteers look after our many remarkable collections, bringing their stories to life and providing a memorable experience for visitors.

Volunteering in PISM is designed to be meaningful and enjoyable. You can give as much or as little of your time as you like to our cause, while enjoying what you do.

You can get involved in any of our departments and volunteering is totally flexible, ranging from a few hours per day, week or month, to as much time as you wish to dedicate to our work. Please contact the Institute to arrange a personal chat with one of our Trustees.