Film Catalogue
Over 1,000 films
The Sikorski Collection
The Catalogue of the Sikorski Collection is constantly being up-dated, in line with ongoing work that covers the entire film collection. The catalogue is available as a file in a pdf format which has undergone OCR and is therefore searchable – see the link below. To make searching easier, descriptions of all of the films are contained in a single file.
Find us on YouTube
In view of the on-going cataloguing process, films will be made available on our YouTube channel as, and when, they are ready. Although the task of copying the films onto a modern 35mm medium has been completed, work is currently underway to digitalise all of the material.
Film examples
Support Us
The Polish Institute and Sikorski Museum is a registered charity (no. 312168) and other than funds that we generate through our activities, we are totally reliant on membership, donations and legacies to enable us to carry on with our work.