News & Events

Exhibition: Zwierzęta… i Żołnierze / Animals… and Soldiers

Exhibition held at the Polish Institute and Sikorski Museum in 1998 Click to Open, or press button to Download Zwierzeta_i_ZolnierzeDownload

Exhibition: 1944 – Polskie Siły Zbrojne / Polish Armed Forces

Exhibition held in the Royal Room of the Polish Institute and Sikorski Museum in 2020-2021 to commemorate the contribution of the Polish Armed Forces in the Allied war effort during 1944. Introduction; Battle for Monte Cassino; Battle of Falaise, Warsaw Uprising;...

Presentation: Battle of Britain

Online presentation, produced during the pandemic, on the 80th anniversary of the Battle of Britain. Click to open, or press button to Download ... Battle-of-BritainDownload...

Visits of the ABC “Kornel Makuszyński” Saturday School Poole and the “Henryk Sienkiewicz” Polish Saturday School Slough

Part of our mission is to educate people of all nationalities about Polish culture and history.  We believe that everyone of all ages would benefit from this, but it is specifically extremely important for people of Polish heritage, to learn about the...

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