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The legal Polish Government of Poland, in Exile in London, foresaw that the conclusion of hostilities in World War Two would not end in victory for all the Allies. Tragically, Poland was once again occupied, this time by Soviet Russia; regrettably, a situation accepted by the United Kingdom and the remaining Allies.
The end of the war unfortunately saw British and American capitulation to Soviet demands at Tehran, Yalta and Potsdam, and the consequent withdrawal of their recognition from the legal Polish Government in London. Subsequently VE Day only brought victory to the more fortunate nations of Europe. The majority of Eastern/Central Europe was given to the USSR and remained enslaved by the Soviets for the next 50 years. Amongst these countries was Poland, the ‘first ally’, whose sovereignty was “guaranteed” by Britain and because of whom Britain went to war in 1939.
Amongst the Free Polish Forces in the West, morale started to fall. Sadly Poland was not invited to participate in the 1946 London Victory Parade. In a private capacity, members of the Polish Armed Forces were to be found amongst the crowd, with tears in their eyes. However, these were not tears of joy.
Some returned to their motherland, only to face harassment, difficulties in getting work or furthering their studies, having to hide the heroic deeds for which they had previously been honoured. Many were imprisoned and even executed – some as soon as they stepped onto Polish soil, others later.
However, the majority of the Polish Armed Forces in the West stayed as political exiles in the West, carrying on the struggle for the independence of Poland, but now without arms.
The main initiator of creating a lasting Institute in the memory of General Władysław Sikorski and thereby also to the Polish Armed Forces in the West, was the ex head of the Office (Chef de Cabinet) of the Commander in Chief and between 1944 and 1948 the Head of the Archives Section of the Polish Armed Forces, Lt. Colonel Zygmunt Borkowski, who became its first Director.
To prevent the possibility of the New Polish Communist authorities in Poland putting pressure on the British authorities to surrender the Institute’s collections to them, the Institute was created as a non-governmental organisation and was registered as a limited company, governed by Trustees, additionally becoming a registered Charity; a status, which it retains to this day.
The beginning of the Institute dates back to 2nd May 1945 when the President of Poland, President Władysław Raczkiewicz, agreed to the formation of the General Sikorski Historical Institute (as a private company) and by Presidential decree ordered the Commanders of the Army, Navy and Air Force to donate, transferring legal ownership to the General Sikorski Historical Institute, all of their “symbols and decorations”. At the same time, by a resolution of the Polish Government, the transfer of collections of all government and military archives to the archives of the Institute was ordered.
The widow of General Sikorski, Helena Sikorska, donated 365 exhibits, 20 cases of documents, his library and 47 files of her late husband’s official diary as Commander in Chief, to an 11 person committee entrusted with facilitating research into General Sikorski and the times in which he lived.

Ceremony of laying down the Regimental Colours
Colour Parties formed up in Prince’s Gate- Prelate Reverend W. Cieński with the Institute’s chairman Profesor St. Stroński- General Władysław Anders and General Stanisław Kopański.

Sir Winston Churchill, visiting the Institute and the Museum on the 5th July 1949
In 1946 number 20 Prince’s Gate, Kensington was purchased to house the collections. On 9 July 1947 the Reverend W. Cieński, Chaplain-in-Chief of the 2nd Polish Corps, blessed the building.

HRH Prince Charles visiting the Polish Institute and Sikorski Museum in 1989
In 1988 the Polish Underground Movement (1939-1945) Study Trust amalgamated with the Institute. Whilst losing its separate legal status, it was granted internal autonomy in its daily aims and activities.

The President of the Republic of Poland, Lech Wałęsa at the Institute with the children of the volunteer staff, 1991
The Institute is governed by the Council which elects the Executive Committee from its members who run the day to day business of theInstitute. At the head of the Council and Executive Committee is the Chairman.
Institute Founders
The Institute was officially registered as a company on the 15th November 1945 by the following eleven people:
1. Edward Raczyński – former Polish Ambassador in London.
2. Astor – Chairman, Royal Institute for International Affairs.
3. W.D. Ross – Provost of Oriel College, Oxford.
4. David Mathew – Bishop Auxiliary of Westminster.
5. August Zalewski – former Minister of Foreign Affairs of Poland.
6. Adam Żółtowski – sometime Professor of Poznań University, Director of the Polish Research Centre.
7. Jan Baliński Jundziłł – Deputy Director of the Polish Research Centre.
8. Tadeusz Mincer – Retired Captain Polish Army.
9. Ivison S. Macadam – Secretary, Royal Institute of International Affairs.
10. W.F. Reddaway – Senior Fellow of King’s College, Cambridge.
11. Ifor Evans, Baron Evans of Hungerford – Principal, Queen Mary College, University of London
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First Council
In turn, the 11 founders appointed the Institute’s first Council comprising the following people:
1. The Earl of Elgin and Kincardine, KT, CMG,TD,JP – Chairman of the Polish-Scottish Society.
2. Sir Stafford Cripps, CH, KC(QC), FRS – Labour Party MP, ex Ambassador to the USSR, future Chancellor of the Exchequer.
3. Sir Harold Mitchell, JP, DL Vice-Chairman Conservative Party, MP, British Liaison Officer to Polish 1st Corps.
4. Sir Archibold Sinclair, 1st Viscount Thurso, KT, CMG, PC – MP and Leader of the Liberal Party, wartime Secretary of State for Air.
5. Sir James Irvine, KBE, JP, PhD, DL, DSc, BSc, FRSE, FEIS – Principal and Vice-Chancellor of the University of St. Andrews.
6. Major General Anthony Drexel-Biddle – one time US Ambassador to the Republic of Poland.
7. Lieutenant General Professor Marian Kukiel, KCB, PhD – Historian, Polish Minister of National Defence.
8. Vice-Admiral Jerzy Świrski, KCB – Commander in Chief Polish Navy.
9. Professor Stanisław Stroński – Academic and Politician – one time Deputy Prime minister of Poland.
10. Dr Józef Retinger – Scholar, International Political Activist, éminence grise, Member of SOE, publicist, author, nominee for Nobel Peace Prize.
11. Colonel Dr Stanisław Szurlej – Lawyer, Head of Polish Military Legal Services.
12. Stanisław Leśniowski – Army Officer, Son in Law of General Sikorski.
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Ceremony of laying down the Regimental Colours
Colour Parties formed up in Prince’s Gate- Prelate Reverend W. Cieński with the Institute’s chairman Profesor St. Stroński- General Władysław Anders and General Stanisław Kopański.

Sir Winston Churchill, visiting the Institute and the Museum on the 5th July 1949
In 1946 number 20 Prince’s Gate, Kensington was purchased to house the collections. On 9 July 1947 the Reverend W. Cieński, Chaplain-in-Chief of the 2nd Polish Corps, blessed the building.

HRH Prince Charles visiting the Polish Institute and Sikorski Museum in 1989
In 1988 the Polish Underground Movement (1939-1945) Study Trust amalgamated with the Institute. Whilst losing its separate legal status, it was granted internal autonomy in its daily aims and activities.

The President of the Republic of Poland, Lech Wałęsa at the Institute with the children of the volunteer staff, 1991
The Institute is governed by the Council which elects the Executive Committee from its members who run the day to day business of theInstitute. At the head of the Council and Executive Committee is the Chairman.
The first meeting of the Council took place on the 13th December 1945 at the Dorchester Hotel when the first Executive Committee entrusted with and responsible for the day-to-day running of the new organization was elected as follows:
1. Professor Stroński – Chairman.
2. Sir Harold Mitchell – Vice Chairman and Treasurer.
3. Stanisław Leśniowski – Secretary.
4. Colonel Dr Stanisław Szurlej – Legal Advisor.
Lord Elgin was elected Chairman of the Council and Vice-Admiral Świrski its Deputy Chairman. Lieutenant Colonel Zygmunt Borkowski was appointed Director and Mrs. Helena Sikorska Honorary Life President.
During the next four years Count Edward Raczyński, Ambassador Tadeusz Romer, Monsignor Włodzimierz Cieński, Hugh Dalton, Lord Barnaby and Ambassador Józef Lipski joined the Council, General Kukiel took over as Deputy Chairman.
In July 1946 as a result of voluntary donations from members of the Polish Armed Forces and civilians, sufficient funds were raised to purchase the freehold of the premises at 20, Prince’s Gate London SW7 an imposing Victorian Building overlooking Hyde Park, a stones throw from the Albert Hall, for the price of £13,000.
The main aims of the Institute were and remain so today, are to collect, preserve and facilitate access to historical documents and exhibits, pertaining to the contribution of the Polish nation, to the culture of mankind and Poland’s contribution to the Second World War and to act as a centre of information about Poland in The United Kingdom.
On 9th July 1947 Monsignor Włodzimierz Cieński blessed the building, during the ceremonial marching in and donation to the Institute, of the Colours of the Polish Armed Forces in the West, which were then displayed next to the pre-war Polish Armed Forces Colours.
In 1965 an amalgamation with the Polish Cultural Centre, which was created in London before the war, took place and the name was changed to the Polish Institute and Sikorski Museum.
In 1970, the Regimental Colours Fund was created as a separate Charity, with the aim of preserving the Regimental Colours and thereby the Institute.
In 1972 the Institute absorbed the Polish Historical Institute, previously, the Historical Commission of the General Staff.
Finally, in 1988 an amalgamation took place with the main archive of the Polish Underground Movement, the Polish Underground Movement Study Trust.
Support Us
The Polish Institute and Sikorski Museum is a registered charity (no. 312168) and other than funds that we generate through our activities, we are totally reliant on membership, donations and legacies to enable us to carry on with our work.